I don’t know.
Will I still be doing the things I’m doing today? I’ll probably still be programming and climbing.
In 5 years, I’ll have teenagers in high school. In 10, they’ll be in college. In 34, I’ll have lived a whole ’nother life (and probably be a grandparent).
That’s a long time. Who knows what’ll happen. Maybe I’ll reinvent myself along the way. (More likely, I’ll just keep iterating on the version of me now, for better or worse.)
I’d like to work for myself. I want the freedom to spend long, uninterrupted hours on the things I want to: writing, reading, thinking, making music. I especially want time to think. (“Why can’t you do that now?” Maybe that’s the point of this exercise.)
I don’t have a particular vision of what I want my life to be. I struggle with the idea of being “extraordinary”. But I’m just me, living. Trying to remember the past and relearn the obvious. We’ll see what the future brings.