Shifting Gears

Back in December, I made a goal to finish Domain-Driven Design by the end of January—to read 10 pages per day for 50 days. (I even made a little Reading Planner to help stay on track.)

I’m happy to say I finished.

Honestly, I was surprised how easy it felt by the time I reached the end. Taking small chunks at a time made a huge difference. Sure, I skipped some days and caught up on others, but I never felt like I was rushing or falling behind—just taking a steady, easy pace.

So what’s next?

Presentations => Articles

My other goal was to transcribe all my recorded presentations into articles. So far I’ve transcribed 4 out of 20 (they take way longer than I expected). At first I thought, “Yeah, let’s transcribe them all at once and polish them up after that.” Now I realize that’s dumb. I should take them one at a time instead.

So to start, I’m going to polish up my notes for CSS Naming Conventions and turn that into a longform article.

Book Reviews

I’d also like to put together a book review for Domain-Driven Design, or at least highlight my favorite takeaways. (After writing mini-summaries for books I read in 2019, it makes me want to share more highlights from all the books I’ve read.)

Dev Posts

Beyond that, I’ll start sharing more dev-focused posts. Things like how to manage grid gutters, or contain images in a set boundary, or sliders with sticky headings, and more.

(Who knows, maybe I’ll even record a video tutorial one of these days…)

But all of that, one piece at a time.


Open Graph image by unsplash-logoDan Russo